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The Abyssinian we know today closely resembles the bronze statues and

enthralling paintings of the ancient Egyptian cats, and many believe that

there is little doubt that the Abyssinian is a direct descendant from them.

The ancient features such as the large ears, almond shaped eyes and elegant

composure is nearly identical to the cat we know today as the Abyssinian.

Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald in his book ‘Cats”, points out that by viewing

Egyptian art, the idea that the Abyssinian may very well existed at that time is       prevailing. Egyptian bronzes and paintings of cats in ancient Egyptian

emphasize the litheness, elegance, graceful lines, large eyes, rounded contours,

long tail with tabby stripes and alert ears which are distinguishing features

that are seen in the Abyssinians of today. 

The Gayer-Anderson cat; an elegant bronze figure is one of the most admired objects in the Egyptian sculpture gallery at the British Museum. 

Todays Abyssinian

Over the centuries,  the Abyssinian has developed into one of America’s favorite breeds. Aloof, mysterious, regal, lithe & graceful; known for their rather large ears and lustrous almond eyes. Their devotion and affection make them an ideal companion.

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